Treating all Decatur neighborhoods equally will help to unite our populace.
The ability to choose the people who represent you in your government by voting is one of the key freedoms of American life. It is important that you exercise your right to vote.
Transparency in our Government and a positive working relationship with city council members will help to stop crooked politics in our City.
We will create a plan that will pave and improve our roads and get people moving in the City.
Making City Hall friendly to business will encourage growth and increase our tax base. Incentives will help to recruit small businesses and new jobs.
Supporting our Police Department means providing them with state of the art equipment and training.
Our children really are our future; and that means funding our schools to giving them a 21st Century education.
It's time we clean up the Tennessee River and make 3M pay for polluting our waters.
David Childers has been a resident of Decatur since 1997. He is the Director of EMS at First Response Ambulance. Over the years Morgan County families have depended on First Response in times of emergency. David Childers has built a first class operation with response times that are some of the best in the country. As a business owner he understands what it means to make a payroll and balance a budget. As we head into a critical time in history we David Childers experience who understands how to make critical financial decisions to help Decatur grow.
David Childers will stop crooked politics and back room deals. He will stop secret meetings with large corporations and hiding decisions from you the taxpayer. David will unite Decatur by making all neighborhoods equal and finally get our roads fixed.
David wants to take his successful common sense approach to city hall and move Decatur forward. David Childers will be a mayor that Decatur will be proud of.
David needs your help to move Decatur forward. You can help defeat the powerbrokers who control our city by volunteering to work in the campaign or donating money. David Childers will stop crooked politics and back room deals. Please help today.
Tell us about the issues that most concern you. Contact the campaign. We are listening.